Dr SM Balaji

Prof. S.M Balaji, India

Secretary General

Dear Fraternity Colleagues,

 It is with great honour and excitement that I address you as the newly appointed Secretary General of this prestigious organization. As we embark on a new chapter in the history of ICMFS, I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you.

Reflecting upon our rich legacy, I am reminded of the remarkable visionaries who laid the foundation of this institution over 50 years ago. United by their passion for maxillofacial surgery, they came together to establish the International Association for Maxillo-Facial Surgery—a pioneering group that emphasized the importance of training and collaboration among colleagues, clinics, and centres worldwide.

However, we understand that the world of science and medicine is ever-evolving. New disciplines emerge, existing ones transform, and regional nuances shape our understanding. In response to this dynamic landscape, our General Assembly took a decisive step in 1993 by renaming the organization as the International College for Maxillo-Facial Surgery (ICMFS). This change was not merely a formality; it marked a significant moment in our journey. It affirmed our commitment to become an international network of friends, dedicated to elevating our professional field through mutual support and collaboration.

True to this ethos, ICMFS has tirelessly worked to foster growth and excellence in our discipline. Over the years, we have successfully organized 32 congresses, along with symposiums, workshops, and annual meetings. Many of these events were held in conjunction with other groups, amplifying the collective wisdom and expertise within our global community. Our last Golden Jubilee commemorative meeting at Maldives saw the real spirit of ICMFS. I welcome you to see the gallery of the same on our website.

At present, our membership spans the globe, encompassing countless individuals who have embraced the spirit of ICMFS. Additionally, we have been fortunate to have corporate members from various countries, such as Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Serbia, the Philippines, the United States, and more. These partnerships lay a solid foundation for the creation of a robust platform, as envisioned by our former ICMFS Secretary General and past leadership. We have embarked on an ambitious expansion program to make our ICMFS a large, effective body the serves to realise the dreams of the founders of the organization.

Now, as we launch our upgraded and dynamic website, we invite you to immerse yourselves in an enhanced digital experience. Our new online platform will serve as a hub for knowledge exchange, professional development, and meaningful connections. From engaging forums to cutting-edge research, we are committed to providing you with the resources necessary to excel in your practice and contribute to the advancement of maxillofacial surgery.

Together, let us embrace this era of innovation and collaboration. Let us harness the power of technology to bridge geographical boundaries and foster a global community united by our shared passion for maxillofacial surgery. As Secretary General, I am dedicated to steering ICMFS towards a future where we continue to thrive, adapt, and lead the way in our ever-evolving profession.

On behalf of the entire ICMFS team, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and commitment. Together, we will shape the future of maxillofacial surgery and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless patients worldwide.

Welcome to the new era of the International College of Maxillofacial Surgery and I hope to see you all in our future meetings.

Warm regards,

Prof. Dr. S. M. Balaji
Secretary General
International College of Maxillofacial Surgery

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