Prof. Zoe N-Ioannou

Dr. Zoe Nicolaou, Cyprus


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is my honor to welcome you to the official website of the International College for Maxillo Facial Surgery (ICMFS). A prestigious international body of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons who share the same passion and wish to contribute to the field by generating scientific value. With more than half a century of history, our association has been part of the ever-evolving environment and has successfully adapted to change even during rough and challenging times. Through the years, we had the privilege to experience the transformation of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; deliver top-quality scientific and academic work, and assist our members transiting into the new era. I am very confident and optimistic about the future of this legendary association as my vision is to team up with the next generation of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons who are ambitious and eager to join the ICMFS and benefit from the legacy of the association. Last but not least, this is a call to action to attend the important upcoming ICMFS meetings in Rome, Italy, and Baku, Azerbaijan.

Dr. Zoe Nicolaou

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